Lie down and place the SNPE Wave Pillow under the shoulder. Cross your arms and bent your knees. Massage the shoulder by rotating your body left and right on the Wave Pillow. If possible, move your body as wide as possible toward the floor. Lower the wave pillow slightly. Move your body side to side again. If the back muscles are very stiff, this may be a little uncomfortable. You can put a towe..
SNPE C-Movement is a corrective exercise that restores the cervical vertebrae (neck) to the natural shape by massaging and loosening the stiff muscles around the neck and occipital bones in order to restore their elasticity. It is important to restore the cervical neck to the natural shape from deformed neck like cervical kyphosis. SNPE C-Movement with Wave Pillow Lie down and place the SNPE Wav..
Start from a seated position on the floor. Roll back, bring your feet over your head, sit back up and bend your upper body forward. This rolling movement is called SNPE Movement 4 Roll. Practice the SNPE Movement 4 Roll every day if your body is too stiff or if you are feeling pain in the shoulders and lower back. The benefits of SNPE Movement 4 This movement prevents and relieves pain in your n..
Tie your legs together using the SNPE belts. Lie on the floor face down with your forehead resting on top of your hands. Bend your knees. Relax your shoulders as much as possible while slowly raising your legs. Tense your inner thighs together and your glutes. While exhaling, try to squeeze your legs as tight as you can and lift them even higher. Keep tensing your lower back muscles to maintain ..
Kneel down and strap the SNPE buckle belt around your legs to tie your ankles to your thighs. Wearing the SNPE Pelvic Band at the same time will help correct pelvic displacement. Warm up and stretch the tops of your feet first. Put your hands on the floor behind you and swing your knees up and down, Bring your back to the floor and keep continue to breath. Lie down while slowly stretching your r..
근육이 부드러워지면 나타나는 효과 혈액순환이 좋아진다. 신경전달이 좋아진다. 척추교정 효과 피부가 고와진다. 몸이 따뜻해진다. 통증이 사라진다. 피곤함이 없어진다. 다이어트가 확실하다. 성격이 밝아진다. SNPE ④ 구르기를 지도하다 보면 운동 중에 “속이 울렁거린다. 머리가 어지럽다. 구토 증세가 난다, 두통이 발생한다”고 호소하는 사람들이 간혹 있다. 이런 증세를 호소하는 사람들을 오랫동안 관찰하고 상담하여 보니 자세의 불균형이 심하거나 순환기 계통의 장애, 소화불량, 근골격계의 문제점을 지니고 있는 경우가 대부분 있었다. 목디스크 환자이거나 목과 어깨 쪽의 근육이 약한 분들 중에서 뒤로 구르기를 할 때 머리를 바닥에 떨어뜨려 충돌하는 경우가 간혹 있다. 이런 경우 머리 뒤에 쿠션이 있는 방석 등을 ..