SNPE Movement 3


Reverse leg raise with bent knee


Tie your legs together using the SNPE belts.

Lie on the floor face down with your forehead resting on top of your hands.

Bend your knees.

Relax your shoulders as much as possible while slowly raising your legs.

Tense your inner thighs together and your glutes.

While exhaling, try to squeeze your legs as tight as you can and lift them even higher.

Keep tensing your lower back muscles to maintain the c-shaped curve on your lower back.

Hold this position for 10-20 seconds.


The benefit of the SNPE movement 3

This movement strengthens the muscles in the lower back, which creates natural lumbar lordosis (lower back curve),

and corrects hip joint and pelvic displacement.

It gradually helps you restore bent legs and displaced knee joint.

By restoring displaced pelvis and hip joint, it helps you tone up your hip,

and boost that elasticity after your child's birth.



After SNPE Movement 3,

Stretch your upper body with your elbows on the floor.

Lift your upper body with the feeling of stretching the muscles

in front of your abdomen and thighs as much as possible.

While inhaling, spread your chest over your upper body

When exhaling, tighten between legs.

After breathing about 5 times,

Lower your upper body slowly and lie down.

Move onto the SNPE movement 3.


SNPE Movement 3 for Beginner


If you cannot raise your legs up,

You might be suffering from body imbalances, stiff muscles or lower back pain

Try placing a cushion, the SNPE Wave Pillow or other tools under your pelvis,

and practice the movement.

Do not rely on the tools.

Practice raising your legs up with the power on your lower back and hips as much as possible.



If your knees hurt while raising your legs up,

You might have the displacement in the knee joint.

Practice the SNPE movement 3 with the legs stretched straight.

You may also try removing the SNPE Pelvic Band if you feel uncomfortable with the band.




If your legs keep slanting to one side,

check if the tip of the feet above the head in front of the mirror

Practice the SNPE movement 3.

After that, keep your head down and practice the movement.

If previous advice doesn't work for you,

Place a towel or cushion under the pelvis.


SNPE Movement 3 with Applied Movement

Lifting upper and lower body at the same time

Stretch your legs and interlock your fingers behind your back.

During inhale, lift the upper body and legs at the same time

During exhale, feel the muscle contraction in your back, hips, and your thigh.

Hold this position.

While interlocking your fingers behind your back,

lift the upper body and your legs bent at the same time.

In this way, you can strengthen the muscle around the spine.

If you don't feel the muscle contraction behind your thighs during the movement,

Try reverse leg raises with toes pulled in.

Feel like pushing the sky up with your heels.

Hold this position.

If you do like this,

You can feel the muscle contraction behind your thighs.





SNPE is an exercise therapy program optimized for pain reduction that can be practiced anywhere, when equipped with portable belts and other tools. SNPE is a self-directed workout, a low-cost solution to posture correction and pain management, and low- to moderate-intensity flexibility-based muscle strength training. Thus, SNPE can be considered as one exercise therapy modality ideal for chronic pain management and pain reduction, which was demonstrated through empirical studies


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