SNPE SC무브 운동은 외부 충격, 잘못된 자세 습관에 의하여 변형된 엉치뼈 (Sacrum)와 꼬리뼈 (Coccyx)를 SNPE 셀프 도구 운동으로 바르게 교정하여 정상적인 골반의 구조를 만드는 운동이다. 운동방법 1. 누워서 웨이브 베개를 골반 아래 놓고 엉덩이를 좌우로 움직이며 엉치뼈, 꼬리뼈 주변의 근육을 풀어준다. 왼쪽 무릎을 세우고 오른쪽으로 골반을 기울여서 오른쪽 엉덩이를 풀어준다. 반대쪽으로도 시행한다. 2. 앉아서 웨이브 베개를 골반 아래 놓고 앉아서 한쪽 무릎을 세우고 그 위에 반대쪽 발목을 올려놓는다. 다리를 올려놓은 쪽 갈반 아래(궁둥뼈) 부분을 이완시킨다. 자신의 체중을 실어 자극을 주며 통증이 있고 굳어진 곳 주변을 더 많이 풀어준다. 3. 다나손 활용 누운 상태에서 엉치뼈 아래..
Place a pillow under your lower back Bend your knees and move left and right If possible, make large, large movements until your knees touch the floor. SC movement stands for Sacrum Coccyx Movement. It is a movement that gently relaxes the area around the sacrum and tailbone. SNPE is an exercise therapy program optimized for pain reduction that can be practiced anywhere, when equipped with porta..
SNPE L-Movement is a Self-exercise therapy for treating flat back and herniated lumbar disc and relieving lower back pain. It can loosen up the stiff muscles around lower back and restore the natural structure of the lumbar vertebrae (lower back). You can position the SNPE Wave Pillow in 3 different positions for L-Movement exercise. Lie down and place the SNPE Wave Pillow under the Posterior Su..
Lie down and place the SNPE Wave Pillow under the shoulder. Cross your arms and bent your knees. Massage the shoulder by rotating your body left and right on the Wave Pillow. If possible, move your body as wide as possible toward the floor. Lower the wave pillow slightly. Move your body side to side again. If the back muscles are very stiff, this may be a little uncomfortable. You can put a towe..
SNPE C-Movement is a corrective exercise that restores the cervical vertebrae (neck) to the natural shape by massaging and loosening the stiff muscles around the neck and occipital bones in order to restore their elasticity. It is important to restore the cervical neck to the natural shape from deformed neck like cervical kyphosis. SNPE C-Movement with Wave Pillow Lie down and place the SNPE Wav..
Start from a seated position on the floor. Roll back, bring your feet over your head, sit back up and bend your upper body forward. This rolling movement is called SNPE Movement 4 Roll. Practice the SNPE Movement 4 Roll every day if your body is too stiff or if you are feeling pain in the shoulders and lower back. The benefits of SNPE Movement 4 This movement prevents and relieves pain in your n..